--- Structuring programs ---
My big project is a software package programmed into Calc, the LibreOffice spreadsheet component. The strength of this approach is that the statistics package already has all the utilities of a powerful spreadsheet. I call it DANSYS - the Data ANalysis System.
I'll be using DANSYS to talk about how to program in LibreOffice Basic. The manual, available at the LibreOffice website, is useful but there's a lot it doesn't explain how to do, and I've picked up a lot of tricks and workarounds over time. I'm working on an expanded version of DANSYS and I'll take you along on the journey.
I had to decide whether I wanted to just keep expanding DANSYS or make two versions: a basic version that does the most common statistical procedures and the expanded version that's much bigger and clunkier but will do many, many more cool things. I decided to go with the two version plan and both will be available on my other website (http://www.theriantimeline.com/excursions/labbooks) as I develop them. Currently, DANSYS and a statistics decision tree and glossary are available. I'm working on a user's manual for DANSYS and you'll see my progress on DANSYSX here.
Programming is a lot easier if you take a structured approach. Some languages (like Python) requires you to structure your programs. Others, like modern BASIC make it easy to structure programs but do not require it. Structured programming uses indentation to indicate levels of code (that will become much clearer as we go along). It also helps if you add notes to your code as you go along. This documentation serves two big functions: it reminds you what sections of code do if you need to go back and modify the code (which you often will), and it allows other people who use your code to understand what you've done.
I will admit that I sometimes slack off when it comes to documentation, but I will try to be responsible with the code in DANSYSX.
I try to maintain a five section structure for my LibreOffice Basic programs. The first section is the header. The first line of LibreOffice Baisc code names the program, tells whether the program is a subroutine or a function, and passes all the necessary information into the program.
The second section defines all the variables I'll be using in the program using DIM (DIMension) statements. I usually precede this section with a long comment explaining the program.
The third section initializes whatever variables need to start with some specific value.
The fourth section is where all the good stuff happens. It contains the works of the program.
The fifth and last section formats and outputs the data from the program.
Flow charts are useful to some people to help plan out complicated programs. I tend more to plot the way the program is supposed to work in pseudocode. Pseudocode describes the working of a program in descriptive English, line by line. For instance, if I want to add 1 to the variable bx over and over until it reaches 15, I might describe it with the following pseudocode:
When bx reaches 15, jump out of the following loop
Add 1 to bx
Continue looping
More often, I type a scaffold of comments before I even start programming and then fill in the code. A comment in LibreOffice Basic looks like this:
'This is a comment. Notice that it begins with an apostrophe.
'LibreOffice Basic will ignore any statement beginning with an apostrophe.
[Note: If you've tried to use any of the in-text links to the Timeline, you will have found that they don't work anymore. That will be because I've moved it to a more secure site. I keep the links in the link section at the upper right of my webpages updated, and those do work.]
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